
August 3, 2020

A Long Path To Equality: Where Is Ukraine On LGBT Rights?

While acceptance of LGBT people in Ukraine has progressed in recent years, protecting their rights remains a challenge. Key challenges include religion-based hostility,...
July 31, 2020

From the Bottom Up: How Decentralization Is Creating New Incentives in Ukraine

Thanks to the country’s decentralization reform, local communities are more frequently becoming centers of innovations in today’s Ukraine. They are helping to revive...
July 27, 2020

Creative Quarantine: Three Stories About Ukrainians Who Have Turned Lockdown Into An Opportunity

In Ukraine, the COVID-19 lockdown has not only been about public health challenges and economic hardships; it has brought a spike in creativity.
July 21, 2020

Ukraine In Lockdown: Stories From Three Local Communities

The COVID-19 pandemic lockdown has not been just about fear and social distancing. It has also inspired local communities to become major contributors to the coronavirus...
July 14, 2020

Exploring Ukraine During The Pandemic: Key Places To Visit And Avoid Virus

Due to the coronavirus pandemic, travel restrictions have been imposed all over the world. Therefore, we decided to share with you some safe places in Ukraine where...
July 1, 2020

The New Rules For Foreigners Entering Ukraine During The Pandemic

As Ukraine’s adaptive quarantine continues to relax, restrictions on non-resident foreigners entering the country have been lifted as well. Here are some updates...
June 26, 2020

How Russia Weaponizes The Language Issue In Ukraine

For centuries, Ukraine’s long struggle for statehood has been mirrored by the often troubled fate of the Ukrainian language. Oppressed and marginalized throughout...
June 19, 2020

Police Violence And Impunity In Ukraine: What's Gone Wrong With Police Reform

As the world is captivated by the Black Lives Matter protests in the United States and around the world, Ukrainians are faced with an incident of grave police misconduct...
June 12, 2020

How Early Quarantine Saved Ukraine And What To Expect Next: Ukraine’s Chief Sanitary Doctor Explains

With Western Europe experiencing the coronavirus crisis at full scale, Ukraine has been seemingly very lucky to avoid catastrophe so far. How has a country with...
June 4, 2020

The Clash of Oligarchs: Key Features of Ukraine’s Media Sphere

Influenced by politicians, yet also relatively free. Dependent on big oligarchic capital, but competitive. There are many “yets” and “buts” when it comes to Ukraine’s...