Regular updates about the situation with COVID-19 in Ukraine: number of cases and deaths, quarantine and lockdown measures, key trends, vaccination etc
21 December, 16:00 - Key updates of the past few days:
- As of December 21, more than 13 mln people in Ukraine have undergone a full course of coronavirus vaccination.
- Ukraine has reported the first known case of the Omicron coronavirus variant.
- Ukraine will join the Global COVID Certificate Network. The Ukrainian COVID certificate will be accepted in more than 80 countries.
- Israel has decided to provide over half a million doses of the AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccine to Ukraine through the global COVAX Facility, the Israeli Embassy in Ukraine has told UKRINFORM.
14 December, 12:00 - Key updates of the past few days:
- According to NSDC projections, Omicron variant could be found in Ukraine this week, but the epidemic situation will be stable on holidays, Secretary of the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine Oleksiy Danilov says.
- As of 10 December, already 45% of the adult population of Ukraine have received at least one dose of COVID-19 vaccine. At the same time, 39.4% of the adult population of Ukraine are fully vaccinated against coronavirus disease.
- Ukraine's President Volodymyr Zelensky informed that starting from January, a thousand hryvnias provided by the government to Ukrainians for them being vaccinated could be used for buying medicine.
- As of December 13, more than 594,000 (91.07%) schoolchildren in Ukraine received two doses of COVID-19 vaccine, and 97.01% of teachers were vaccinated with at least one dose, Radio Svoboda writes with reference to Ukraine's education minister Serhii Shkarlet.
- The European Investment Bank provided Ukraine with a € 50 million loan announced earlier this year to purchase coronavirus vaccines, the health ministry said on December 11.
09 December, 14:10 - Key updates of the past few days:
- Starting with December 9th the list of professions for which vaccination is mandatory in Ukraine has been expanded. The list now inlcudes social and rehabilitation centers' workers, as well as those of Ukrposhta (Ukrainian mailing service) and Ukrzaliznytsia (Ukrainian railway company).
- Ukraine's President Volodymyr Zelensky has signed the bill on the allocation of 1000 hryvnias to the fully vaccinated Ukrainians that had previously been adopted by Verkhovna Rada on December 2nd. The programme will be operational from December 19th. Vaccinated Ukrainians will be able to spend the said 1000 hryvnias on tickets or membership to cinemas, theatres, gyms or museums.
- Ukraine's Chief State Sanitary Doctor Ihor Kuzin recently stated that authorities expected a new surge of coronavirus cases following the New Year holidays in late January.
- Ukraine's Chief State Sanitary Soctor Ihor Kuzin has also announced that a decision had been adopted to allow certain categories of Ukrainians to receive a booster shot. According to him, people with immuno-compromised conditions, including those on hormonal therapy, people who have undergone transplantation, as well as HIV-infected patients, would be eligible for the said shot.
06 December, 15:15 - Key updates of the past few days:
- Viktor Liashko, Ukraine's health minister, notes that this week the Ministry will address the matter of 8–9 oblasts possibly exiting the ‘red’ quarantine zone.
- The COVID-19 statistics from the health ministry show that, for the first time since October, less than 5,000 new cases of coronavirus have been detected in Ukraine in a day. 4,478 Ukrainians became infected with coronavirus for the last day. Most cases have been detected in Kyiv, Zhytomyr, and Donetsk oblasts.
- The coronavirus pandemic promotes the population decline in Ukraine, as COVID-19 takes third place among the causes of death in Ukraine, according to Oleksandr Hladun, Deputy Director of M. V. Ptukha Institute for Demography and Social Studies of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine and Corresponding Member of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. «COVID-19 ranks third among the leading causes of death right after cardiovascular diseases and cancer», Hladun said. He noted that people died from other causes because hospitals could not provide timely care, and patients could not get to medical facilities during the pandemic.
- The Ministry of Health has announced that almost 1.3 million shots against COVID-19 were given in Ukraine last week. As of 6 December 2021, more than 25.5 million people have been vaccinated against COVID-19, while almost 12 million Ukrainians have received two doses. On 5 December, 70,797 people were vaccinated.
03 December, 14:35 - Key updates of the past few days:
- Ukraine’s health Minister Viktor Lyashko predicts that a new wave of COVID-19 may reach Ukraine in late January if new mutations do not appear and this does not happen sooner.
- The press service of the Ministry of Health reports that Ukraine will ban foreigners and stateless people coming from countries where a new strain of coronavirus Omicron is found from entering Ukraine. The ban will begin on 3 December 2021.
- UAH 1,000 (around USD 37), which President Volodymyr Zelensky promised to all those who have been fully vaccinated against COVID-19, will not be paid in cash due to a risk of taking funds from the economy and rising inflation. Citizens will be able to receive the funds through the «Diya» system and enjoy a limited choice of options, as one of the program’s goals is to support those who suffer the most.
- Today, Kyiv and 13 regions of Ukraine are in the ‘red’ zone officially, although they already do not qualify for it. The Ministry of Health of Ukraine informs that qualifying for the ‘red’ zone requires at least two indicators of spreading the epidemic. Fourteen regions have only one indicator or none at all. In fact, five oblasts remain ‘red’ in terms of indicators. Another four oblasts are in the ‘yellow’ zone, while two belong to the ‘orange’ one.
30 November, 13:30 - Key updates of the past few days:
- During a briefing on 29 November, Ukraine’s health minister Viktor Lіashko said that the COVID-19 strain Omicron, which caused concern in the World Health Organization, had not been found in Ukraine. Ukraine is able to analyze the viral genome and find new strains of COVID-19. Ukraine checks samples of those who returns from areas where there are COVID-19 outbreaks or have an atypical course of the disease.
- According to the health minister, the number of detected COVID-19 cases decreased by 22%, while hospitalizations went down by 12% during the week. The average daily mortality rate decreased by 14%.
- The EU is changing the rules for COVID-19 certificates, which could affect the travel options of Ukrainians. The European Commission recommends making a nine-month certificate instead of a one-year certificate. In addition, it is necessary to get a booster vaccine shot before the end of the nine months.
29 November, 14:30 - Key updates of the past few days:
- In Ukraine, the number of oblasts that have switched to the "yellow" quarantine zone has increased. Zakarpattia, Kirovohrad, Ternopil, Kharkiv, and Chernivtsi oblasts are in the "yellow" zone of epidemic danger, the Poltava oblast is in the "orange" zone, while other regions and the city of Kyiv are still in the "red" zone with the highest level of epidemic danger.
- Lviv offers vaccination against COVID-19 to homeless people. Homeless people who do not have documents receive a paper certificate of vaccination. The medical staff enters data—the patient’s undocumented name and date of birth—into the electronic medical system. During the first day, 75 people were vaccinated.
- Ukraine’s health ministry predicts that the autumn wave of COVID-19 will leave Ukraine by the New Year. Ihor Kuzin, Chief State Sanitary Doctor, made the above statement in an interview. ‘According to trends and forecasts, the end of December will be epidemically calmer than the beginning of November’, he said.
- Ukraine officially ordered innovative direct-acting drugs against COVID-19. Health minister Viktor Liashko stated that Ukraine would be one of the first countries to receive the drugs once commercialized. Viktor Liashko said the above at a press conference in Kharkiv.
26 November, 12:58 - Key updates of the past few days:
- When there are no contraindications and objections from parents, nurses will be able to vaccinate children against COVID-19 without a medical examination. Fedir Lapii, Immunologist and Head of the National Technical Group of Experts on Immunoprophylaxis made the above statement during an online interview with Kateryna Bulavinova, a UNICEF medical expert.
- Citizens who have recovered from COVID-19 can receive free psychological assistance and seek treatment from a psychiatrist, psychologist, or psychotherapist without a referral from a family physician. The National Health Service of Ukraine made the above announcement on their channel.
- The healthcare sector is now the most dangerous due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The Social Insurance Fund of Ukraine reports that nurses have suffered the most from accidents in the line of duty. Over the first three quarters of this year, almost all suffered from COVID-19 out of 74% of healthcare workers who applied to the Social Insurance Fund.
25 November, 17:50 - Key updates of the past few days:
- The Cabinet of Ministers is tightening restrictions in the "yellow" quarantine zone: all business employees and customers will need COVID-19 vaccination certificates, recovery certificates, or negative coronavirus tests. Viktor Liashko, Ukraine’s health minister has stated that public and cultural institutions, gyms, and restaurants will be able to operate if all staff members and customers have one of these documents.
- The government has expanded the list of occupations for which vaccination against COVID-19 is mandatory. The list encompasses employees of enterprises, institutions, and organizations that are subordinate to central executive bodies, employees of institutions providing social services, institutions protecting children’s rights, and rehabilitation institutions, employees of enterprises of strategic importance for the economy and security. Unvaccinated employees will be suspended from work without pay starting from 9 December 2021.
- To date, the occupancy rate of oxygen beds for patients with coronavirus has not been exceeded in any area, according to Ukraine's healthcare ministry.
- Ukrainian authorities aim to ensure vaccination against COVID-19 for at least 17 million citizens by the end of this year. This is stated in the Memorandum on Economic and Financial Policy signed by Ukraine and the International Monetary Fund. According to the document, vaccination is a key factor in supporting economic recovery.
24 November, 14:15 - Key updates of the past few days:
- During a conference call, the government discussed the issues of counteracting COVID-19 spread. According to health minister Victor Lyashko, there is a positive trend in Ukraine to reduce the number of new cases of COVID-19 and the number of hospitalized to 19-20% per week. In addition, for the first time in the last 14 weeks, the number of fatalities has decreased compared to the previous week.
- The Health ministry is improving the technical equipment of facilities that carry out vaccination against COVID-19, deputy health minister Maria Karchevych announced.
“The ministry has purchased new equipment to facilitate the work of our doctors. Today, medical records of patients are entered into the electronic health care system. That is why the provision of laptops is a necessity in which we try to help,” Karchevych said.
- Ukraine has signed an extension of the contract with Pfizer for the supply of the COVID-19 vaccine for two years and will receive another 50 million doses of the vaccine.
"The Ministry of Health continues to work with Pfizer to supply the COVID-19 vaccine for 2022-2023 with guarantees and clear deadlines for vaccine delivery," health minister Viktor Lyashko said.
The contract is expected to be signed by Pfizer soon.
- The peak of mortality from Covid-19 has already passed, scientists say. The National Academy of Sciences has published a forecast of the COVID-19 epidemic in Ukraine for 24 November 7 December 2021, prepared by the Working Group on Mathematical Modeling of Problems Related to the Coronavirus Epidemic. According to the forecast, Ukraine passed the peak of mortality on 8-12 November 2021.
22 November, 13:00 - Key updates of the past few days:
- As of November 22, Kyiv and 18 regions of Ukraine remain in the "red zone" of the epidemiological danger of COVID-19 spread. However, Ukraine's healthcare minister Viktor Liashko announced that Lviv and Luhansk regions would leave the "red zone this week". Vitalii Klychko, Kyiv's mayor, also suggested that Ukraine's capital may soon leave the "red zone" of COVID-19 restrictions and move to the "orange zone".
- 600 thousand Ukrainians did not show up in time to receive their second jab, Ukraine's healthcare minister Viktor Liashko said. He urged the said Ukrainians to get a second dose of their vaccine as soon as possible.
19 November, 17:05 - Key updates of the past few days:
- Ukraine's President Volodymyr Zelenskyi announced on November 15 that each fully vaccinated Ukrainian would receive 1000 UAH (around 37 USD) starting from December 19. However, this money will be available not as cash but as a deposit of some sort (no details on this were announced yet). Citizens will spend this deposit for a certain list of goods and services provided by those business spheres that suffered from quarantine measures the most.
- Ostap Stakhiv, a Lviv-based blogger who opposes vaccination, was arrested on November 16 and charged with an attempt to topple the constitutional order in Ukraine. UkraineWorld studied the activities of Ostap Stakhiv's anti-vaccination network on social media.
- Viktor Liashko, Ukraine's healthcare minister, stressed on November 18 that Ukraine has already passed the peak of the current COVID-19 wave, as the daily number of new coronavirus cases and hospitalizations has decreased for two consecutive weeks.
- Ruslan Stefanchuk, the speaker of Ukraine's Parliament, announced that 83% of Ukrainian MPs have vaccination certificates.
- 3,415 Ukrainian teachers have been suspended from their jobs, as they did not vaccinate from COVID-19, Ukraine's education ministry announced.
14 November, 10:04 - Key updates of the past few days:
- Ukraine's Prime Minister Denys Shmyhal stated that Ukraine had reached the plateau of COVID incidence and that a gradual decline in the number of new cases could be expected soon.
- EU has eliminated Ukraine from the green list of countries whose nationals can travel to the bloc freely. At the same time, insofar as the EU's decision only has the power of a recommendation to the national governments, a number of member states left their borders open for Ukrainians. These include Austria, Belgium, the Czech Republic, Croatia, Cyprus, Greece, Denmark, Estonia, France, Ireland, Latvia, the Netherlands, Slovakia, Spain and Sweden.
- According to a recent poll, every fourth Ukrainian is not planning to vaccinate. The main reasons thereof consist in the lack of trust in vaccines, as well as belief that these latter need to be studied more thoroughly.
- Kyiv mayor Vitaliy Klychko recently stated that the situation with the coronavirus in Kyiv was deteriorating so quickly that he could not exclude the introduction of a complete lockdown, i.e., even for the vaccinated.
- Great Britain has decided to start admitting travellers vaccinated with any of the vaccines recognized by the WHO on 22 Novemberr, which means that Ukrainians who have been fully vaccinated with CoronaVac will also be eligible for travel.
8 November, 11:00 - Key updates of the past few days:
- The Minister of Health told journalists that people who received false vaccination certificates and admit it can be allowed to be vaccinated.
- The Ministry of Health claims that the country has already reached the peak of the coronavirus pandemic, after which the number of diseased may gradually decrease.
- Ukraine ranks second in the world and in Europe in terms of mortality because of COVID-19.
5 November, 11:00 - Key updates of the past few days:
- 93.2% of those hospitalized with COVID-19 last week were unvaccinated and did not have a single dose of anti-vaccine vaccine.
- Tests of Pfizer and Merck pills against coronavirus started in Ukraine.
3 November, 10:30 - Key updates of the past few days:
- Ukraine ranks third in the world in terms of mortality because of COVID-19.
- Mortality from COVID-19 in Ukraine is at the highest historical level.
- In Kyiv, "anti-vaccine" march is taking place on the square near the Verkhovna Rada.
- In the last 24 hours, the largest number of confirmed cases of the disease was registered in Kyiv, Dnipropetrovsk and Odesa oblasts.
- In the "Diia" application there is a possibility to get a children's COVID-certificate. Parents can generate a COVID certificate for children over 12 years who have received 1 dose of the vaccine or received a full course of vaccination.
1 November, 13:00 - Key updates of the past few days:
- Ukraine has recorded 13,936 new COVID-19 cases in the past 24 hours, the Ukrainian Health Ministry has reported on Facebook.
- In Ukraine, 87.3% of educators have received at least one dose of COVID-19 vaccine, according to Minister of Education and Science of Ukraine Serhiy Shkarlet.
- Ukrainians may be deprived of the opportunity to travel abroad due to the mistrust of other countries in Ukrainian COVID documents in connection with the forgery and use of fake vaccination documents, Yevhen Enin, First Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs of Ukraine, has said.
31 May, 11:30 - Key updates of the past few days:
- The first million Ukrainians received their first jab on May 29.
- Ukraine's healthcare minister Viktor Liashko predicted that the government might ease quarantine restrictions this summer. "There is quarantine fatigue, pandemic fatigue now. Therefore, when the epidemic situation gets stabilized, certain re-opening, certain easing is possible," Liashko said. He also promised that the vaccination should significantly accelerate next month.
- Ukraine sent 184 oxygen concentrators to India to help combat the dire consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic.
27 May, 12:30 - Key updates of the past few days:
- 117 thousand doses of the Pfizer/BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine arrived in Ukraine on May 26, while another 50 thousand expected by the end of the week. These doses were procured with budget funds. Denys Shmygal, Ukraine’s PM, argued that these doses would be immediately sent to the regions.
- Furthermore, 500 thousand doses of the CoronaVac coronavirus vaccine arrived in Kyiv on May 27. This is the penultimate batch of the CoronaVac vaccine delivered by the Lekhim group of companies to Ukraine under a government contract.
- Ukraine’s PM Denys Shmyhal said that COVID-19 vaccine certificates in Ukraine would be launched in early July, simultaneously with the EU.
24 May, 12:50 - Key updates of the past few days:
- According to Ukraine's Prime Minister, Ukraine can vaccinate up to 80,000 citizens every day, UKRINFORM writes.
- Prime Minister Denys Shmyhal has also said that Ukraine was to receive 350,000 doses of the Pfizer coronavirus vaccine by the end of May. According to him, contracts have been signed with Pfizer for 21,2 million doses of vaccine, including 1,2 million under COVAX. On the initiative of the COVAX Facility, 240,000 doses of vaccine have already been delivered to Ukraine. Almost 350,000 doses of vaccines are to be delivered by the end of May, 500,000 - in the second quarter, and other supplies - in the third and fourth quarters, respectively, UKRINFORM says.
- Ukraine's health ministry initiates development of network of virology laboratories, Kyiv Post informs.
- According to a piece of news by Kyiv Post Ukrainian Prime Minister Denys Shmyhal said that there were enough funds for the purchase of COVID-19 vaccines in Ukraine.
20 May, 12:00 - Key updates of the past few days:
- According to UKRINFORM, Ukraine's foreign minister Dmytro Kuleba instructed Ukrainian Ambassador to the United States Oksana Markarova to address the White House regarding the provision of COVID-19 vaccines.
- On May 18, at the All-Ukrainian Forum "Ukraine 30. Digitalization", Ukraine's Chief Sanitary Doctor Viktor Liashko, Ukraine expects the next batch of Pfizer coronavirus vaccines as part of the global COVAX Facility on June 7, a journalist from UKRINFORM reports.
- During the aforementioned conference, Mstyslav Banik, Director of the Directorate for e-Government Development of the Ministry of Digital Transformation of Ukraine informed that Ukrainian vaccination certificates would be brought in line with all European requirements, UKRINFORM reports.
- UNICEF has delivered to Ukraine a new batch of 122,850 doses of Comirnaty vaccine from Pfizer-BioNTech against COVID-19 as part of the global COVAX Facility, UNICEF has said in a press release.
- According to Ukraine's Prime Minister Denys Shmyhal, Ukraine has enough funds allocated from the state budget to provide Ukraine with a sufficient amount of coronavirus vaccines, UKRINFORM writes.
14 May, 10:00 - Key updates of the past few days:
- A new outbreak of coronavirus is expected in Ukraine in autumn, academician of NAS of Ukraine Volodymyr Shyrobokov said.
- By the end of May, more than 473 thousand doses of Pfizer vaccine should arrive in Ukraine as part of the COVAX initiative, Prime Minister Denys Shmyhal wrote on his Facebook page.
- Ukrainians who got the first dose of CoviShield (AstraZeneca) vaccine from February 24 to March 10 will be able to complete vaccination from May 19. Those who were vaccinated later than March 10 will get a second dose from the next delivery of vaccine, Chief State Sanitary Doctor Viktor Liashko said.
- Lithuania will provide Ukraine with 100 thousand doses of COVID-19 vaccines, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Lithuania Gabrielius Landsbergis wrote on his page in Twitter.
14 May, 12:00 - Key updates of the past few days:
- All Ukrainian cities are in yellow zone now, UNIAN informs. However, Health Minister Maksym Stepanov said that there is a threat of a fourth wave of COVID-19 in Ukraine, which may be caused by the "Indian" variant of the coronavirus.
- Ukrainians who signed up for vaccinations through "Diya" application will be vaccinated on weekends, UNIAN reports.
- World Bank has approved a new $90 million project to scale-up Ukraine’s health sector response to the COVID-19 pandemic.
- 0.22% of vaccinated Ukrainians complained of adverse reactions after vaccination against COVID-19, Radio Svoboda reports.
- Almost all AstraZeneca vaccine was used in Ukraine, UNIAN informs.
- Another batch of Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine expected from May 17, Health Minister Maksym Stepanov said.
11 May, 18:00 - Key updates of the past 11 days:
- Prime Minister Denys Shmyhal believes that Ukraine will live in quarantine conditions one more year. The government will continue adaptive quarantine in Ukraine until August.
- 1 million of Ukrainians lost their jobs during this quarantine year, Prime Minister Denys Shmyhal said. Meanwhile, approximately 500 thousand jobs were saved due to the support of state.
- Third wave of COVID-19 in Ukraine has ended, Heath Minister Maksym Stepanov said on May 7. However, he said that there is a risk of an outbreak of the fourth wave of COVID-19 due to the "Indian" variant of COVID-19.
- Health Minister Maksym Stepanov announced on May 1 that U.S. pharmaceutical Pfizer will provide another batch of 10 million doses of COVID-19 vaccine to Ukraine. In general, Ukraine has increased contract for the supply of Pfizer vaccines to 20 million doses.
- Ukrainian intelligence officers exposed an international criminal group, that was selling fake Pfizer vaccine against COVID-19.
- Maxim Stepanov also reported that another 500 thousand doses of CoronaVac vaccine arrived in Ukraine on May 9. He also mentioned that Ukraine started negotiations on providing vaccines against COVID-19 for 2022 and 2023. Ministry of Health expects 1.4 million doses of COVAX vaccine to be supplied by the end of May. Moreover, Ukraine has agreed with the Indian manufacturer Serum Institute to increase the supply of vaccines from COVID-19 to 15 million doses.
- World Bank has approved $90 mln support for Ukraine to boost vaccination in order to strengthen COVID-19 response.
- Secretary of NSDC Oleksiy Danilov believes that the reluctance of some Ukrainians to be vaccinated against Covid-19 should be the subject of wide discussion. According to various sociological studies, from 45 to 55% of Ukrainians do not plan to be vaccinated.
- The Ministry of Health is going to introduce covid certificates from July 1.
- During May, Ukraine will start administering a second dose of coronavirus vaccine to those who have already received the first vaccine.
1 May, 11:00 - Key updates of the past few days:
- Lockdown in Kyiv has been lifted since 1 May. This means reopening cafes, bars, restaurants, fitness centers, cinemas, and commercial centers. Public transport and subway resume passenger traffic in the normal mode.
- Ukraine received another 500 000 doses of Corona Vac vaccines produced by the Chinese company Sinovac Biotech, Ukraine’s Health Minister informed. So far, 700 000 doses out of the ordered 1.915 million doses of the vaccine have arrived in Ukraine.
- On 29 April, Ukraine carried out a record-breaking 73 356 vaccinations. As of 1 May, 260 people received a second dose of vaccine.
- Ukraine’s government has banned foreigners arriving from India from entering Ukraine from May 2, UKRINFORM reports. This decision was announced by Ukraine's Deputy Health Minister Viktor Liashko on April 30.
19 April, 11:15 - Key updates of the past few days:
- On 16 April, Ukraine received the first batch of Pfizer vaccine, with 117 thousand doses arriving to the country, KyivPost informs. 58 thousand people will be able to receive this vaccine as it needs to be administered twice.
- Viktor Lyashko, Ukraine’s Chief Sanitary Doctor, unveiled plans to start massive vaccination shortly after Ukraine receives 1 million doses of vaccine. People aged 60+ will be the first to receive vaccine, followed by the group of those who reached the age of 18 years.
- First 200 law enforcement officials in Ukraine were vaccinated with CoronaVac vaccine on 18 April. These are police officers that work primarily in Kyiv-based Boryspil and Zhulyany airports, Central Railway Station and patrol policemen from Boryspil, a city situated near Ukrainian capital.
15 April, 13:00 - Key updates of the past few days:
- On 14 April, the tough restrictive measures in Kyiv were prolonged until 30 April, Kyiv city mayor Vitalii Klychko said. This means, among other things, schools and kindergartens in the capital will not work for another two weeks, while only those carrying special pass-tickets will be allowed to use public transport.
- According to Maksym Stepanov, Ukraine’s healthcare minister, the country has passed the maximum amplitude of the third wave of coronavirus disease. As he added, the situation in many regions is in the process of stabilization.
- David Arakhamiia, the head of Servant of the People faction in Verkhovna Rada, forecasts there will be no possibility for Ukrainians to buy COVID-19 vaccines freely till at least November 2021.
12 April, 09:10 - Key updates of the past few days:
- Chief Sanitary Doctor of Ukraine Viktor Lyashko told about his task to provide 47 million vaccinations against COVID-19 till the end of the year, Ukrainian Pravda reports. In his opinion, it can be possible only in case of mass vaccination.
- Chinese vaccine Coronavac has been approved in Ukraine, UNIAN reports. Vaccination with Coronavac will start tomorrow.
- Coronavirus vaccination centers are to be opened in large Ukrainian cities like Kyiv, Lviv, Kharkiv, Zaporizhzhia and Odesa this summer, UNIAN reports. They will be able to carry out at least 10 thousand vaccinations per day.
9 April, 13:00 - Key updates of the past few days:
- Infectious disease specialist Liydmyla Kovalenko wrote on her page in Facebook about the difficult situation in Kyiv COVID-19 hospitals.
- Head of the Verkhovna Rada Committee on Public Health, Medical Assistance and Medical Insurance Mykhailo Radutsky said that COVID-19 vaccine may appear on the commercial market of Ukraine later than expected, Interfax reports.
- Serhiy Ryzhenko, Chief Physician and Surgeon at Mechnikov Hospital, said that Ukrainian doctors, working in COVID-19 hospitals, get around 30 - 35 thousand hryvnias salary per month, Unian reports. In his opinion, it's an extremely low salary.
- Minister of Health of Ukraine Maksym Stepanov said that Ukraine will get 117,000 doses of the American Pfizer vaccine in May, Ukrinform reports. The first doses of the vaccine will be sent to nursing homes.
- Mayor of Kyiv Vitali Klitschko said that strict quarantine in Kyiv can be prolonged until May 10, Unian reports.
- Kateryna Bulavinova, a UNICEF Health Expert, criticized doctors, prescribing expensive and ineffective drugs for coronavirus patients, Unian reports. She said it is “smuggling”.
7 April, 8:30 - Key updates of the past day:
- Ukrainian government has signed an agreement with American pharmaceutical corporation Pfizer to supply 10 million doses of its vaccine, Hromadske reports. Ukraine will get them all during 2021 year.
- On 6 April, a record number of people died in Ukraine because of COVID-19. The previous highest number (433 deaths) was on April 2, Unian reports.
6 April, 12:30 - Key updates of the past few days:
- Ukraine's cafes and restaurants have lost $216 million during pandemic year, Kyivpost reports. Since March 2020 when quarantine started, nearly 3,850 Ukrainian eateries have been closed.
- Minister of Health of Ukraine Maxym Stepanov said that oxygen beds are about 58% full, and Ukraine cannot provide more than 67,000 such places for people with coronavirus, Ukrainian Pravda reports. Now there are 11 oblasts in the "red zone" of quarantine restrictions.
- Maxym Stepanov also mentioned that the Ministry of Health wants to vaccinate 70% of Ukrainian adults by the end of the year, Ukrainian Pravda reports. The Ministry of Health estimated that doctors would be able to do 5-7 million vaccinations a month.
5 April, 12:26 - Key updates of the past few days:
- Ukraine's Chairman of the Verkhovna Rada Dmytro Razumkov signs law on financial support to entrepreneurs affected by quarantine restrictions, UKRINFORM reports. One-time financial assistance in the amount of UAH 8,000 to individual entrepreneurs and employees of enterprises will be provided.
- Ukraine's President Volodymyr Zelensky has signed a decree putting into force the decision of the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine. According to it, the Cabinet of Ministers should ensure the development and approval within seven days of the COVID-19 national vaccination plan, taking into account the best international experience, UNIAN writes.
3 April, 13:00 - Key updates of the past few days:
- Ukraine's President announces that Ukraine joins creation of International Pandemic Treaty on pandemic preparedness and response, UKRINFORM reports.
- According to Ukraine's Chief State Sanitary Doctor Viktor Liashko, the global COVAX Facility decided to provide an additional 947,700 doses of the COVID-19 vaccine manufactured by Pfizer-BioNTech, the delivery is expected to arrive until the end of June, UKRINFORM says.
- More than 128,8 million of people on the planet have contracted COVID-19, while the amount of fatalities has reached a point of 2,8 million, Interfax-Ukraine writes.
- According to Chief Sanitary Doctor of Ukraine Viktor Liashko, laboratory control of Chinese vaccine Coronavac from COVID-19 may last until April 9, Deputy Minister of Health, Interfax-Ukraine informs.
- Kyiv School of Economics (KSE) forecasted that the incidence of coronavirus (COVID-19) in Ukraine will stabilize over the next two weeks, Interfax-Ukraine writes.
- The historical maximum of calls for emergency medical care due to COVID-19 is recorded in Ukraine as of now, the situation was similar to the one during November-early December 2020, Interfax-Ukraine writes. The increase in calls for emergency medical care mainly from patients with complicated COVID-19.
31 March, 16:17 - Key updates of the past few days:
- Ukraine's health ministry expects to get the first batch of COVID-19 vaccines from COVAX Facility, particularly 360,000 doses of AstraZeneca and 117,000 doses of Pfizer by April 15, UKRINFORM reports.
- Health officials seek to have 60% of adult Ukrainians vaccinated for COVID before year-end, UNIAN informs. The outlet also writes that every month, up to 5 million citizens could get their jabs if vaccines are available.
- Ukraine said 11,226 new active COVID-19 cases had been confirmed across the country in the past 24 hours as of March 31, with 407 fatalities recorded, marking yet another highest daily rise, UNIAN writes.
- According to Viktor Liashko, Deputy Minister of Health, Chief Sanitary Doctor of Ukraine, the Ukrainian government has received confirmation of the delivery of an additional million doses of vaccine from Pfizer/BioNTech within the global COVAX mechanism, the vaccine will be delivered in batches by the end of June, Interfax-Ukraine reports.
- Kyiv introduces harsher quarantine restrictions due to the exacerbation of the COVID-19 situation. Starting from April 5 all schools and kinder gardens will be closed, reports. In addition, all public transportation will take passengers only with special passes.
29 March, 17:00 - Key updates of the past few days:
- 0 Ukrainians have been vaccinated in the 4 regions of Ukraine during the last 24 hours.
- The epidemiological situation is becoming worse and worse in Ukraine... 10 out of 24 regions in Ukraine are currently marked as "red zones" on the epidemiological map of Ukraine. Chernigiv oblast has been recently added to the list.
- According to Ukraine’s Chief State Sanitary Doctor Viktor Liashko, all 500.000 doses of the CovidShield vaccine (that are availavle in Ukraine) will be used for the first jabs.
25 March, 17:00 - Key updates of the past few days:
- Ukraine's government issued changes in the operation of transport in the "red zones". Kyiv as well as Kyiv oblast have been moved to the "red zone of quarantine".
- Ukraine's government signed a decree obliging all arriving foreigners to have a PCR test done less than 72 hours in advance.
- Secretary of National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine Oleksiy Danilov does not rule out of all-Ukrainian lockdown once again.
- According to a research provided by Ukraine's National Academy of Science, during the period starting from March 24 till 6 April Ukraine may experience up to 20.000 cases per day.
- According to the Rating group research, some 71% of Ukrainians believe that the coronavirus is man-made, while some 41% think that vaccination is not needed to end the pandemic.
21 March, 10:15 - Key updates of the past few days:
- Ukraine will receive the first batch of Pfizer's COVID-19 vaccine in April, Oleksandr Zaika, the head of the immunization strategy department of the Center for Public Health of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine, said.
- Ukraine will soon demand a negative PCR-test from all foreign citizens going to the country, Ukraine's healthcare minister Maksym Stepanov announced.
- Maksym Stepanov also disclosed that the "British" strain of COVID-19 was registered all over Ukraine.
18 March, 15:05 - Key updates of the past few days:
- Vitaliy Klychko, Kyiv city mayor, announced that strict lockdown will be introduced in Ukraine's capital from March 20 until April 9. Key facts about the lockdown:
- cafes, bars and restaurants will be allowed to work only in the "takeout" mode;
- shops will be closed, except for stores selling food, drug and pet stores;
- cinemas, theatres and commercial centres (except grocery stores in them) will be closed too;
- fitness clubs, pools, sports clubs, beauty and hair salons will only be available by appointment;
- mass actions will be banned;
- public transport will operate at 50% capacity.
- Ukraine's healthcare minister Maksym Stepanov assumed that an increase in daily registered COVID-19 cases would keep happening by the end of April.
- Viktor Liashko, Ukraine's deputy health minister and chief state sanitary doctor, said Ukraine would be issuing vaccination certificates in line with international standards. He also noted that every vaccinated Ukrainian would be able to obtain such a certificate for free "in a few clicks."
15 March, 08:00 - Key updates of the past few days:
- The Ministry of Health of Ukraine has released an updated list of adaptive quarantine zones. Chernivtsi, Ivano-Frankivsk, Zhytomyr, and Zakarpattya oblasts fell under the “red zone”. Kyiv continues to have an “orange” level of quarantine, as well as, Lviv, Kyiv, Vinnytsia, Donetsk, Mykolaiv, Zakarpattya, Ternopil, Sumy, and Khmelnytskyi oblasts.
- Ukraine will speed up vaccination, Ukraine's chief sanitary doctor Viktor Lyashko tells NV in a recent interview. “Let's talk about vaccination speed at least after two months of the immunization campaign”, he adds. These days the daily number of coronavirus jabs has increased, reaching 9304 on 12 March.
- Vaccination of Ukraine's Armed Forces is underway. Medical Forces Command reported 6296 service personnel received their first dose of a coronavirus vaccine. As of 14 March 1615 active COVID-19 cases were recorded in Ukraine’s Armed Forces.
13 March, 12:00 - Key updates of the past few days:
- On Saturday, 13 March, Ukraine reported the highest number of daily new COVID-19 cases since December, 2020.
- Ukraine`s ski resort of Bukovel is closed for quarantine, UKRINFORM writes. The decision was made by local authorities of Ivano-Frankivsk oblast. The region has been closed down as a red zone since 26 February.
- Over 220 000 of Ukrainians have applied for free vaccination in an online queue accessible through the “Diya” (“Action”) app, “Dom” TV channel reports.
11 March, 18:00 - Key updates of the past few days:
- Ukraine approved Sinovac’s CoronaVac vaccine, Ukraine's health ministry reports. Earlier the institution has authorized Covishield and Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine.
- Ukraine`s President Volodymyr Zelensky stated that a new lockdown is not an option to fight the COVID-19 surge. “The best answer to today's increase in COVID-19 cases is vaccination, not lockdown”, he said.
- Ukrzaliznytsya, Ukraine's railway state enterprise, has suspended rail travels in the regions closed as red zones. The restrictions target Chernivtsi, Ivano-Frankivsk, Zhytomyr, and Zakarpattya oblasts.
8 March, 11:10 - Key updates of the past few days:
- Ukraine's Prime Minister Denys Shmyhal recently stated that application for free vaccination would later help Ukrainians obtain COVID passports if these are gloablly introduced.
- On March 6, Ukraine's healthcare ministry published a new zoning map of Ukraine, according to which Zakarpattya region was included into the red zone, whreas Kyiv ended up in the orange one.
- According to Ukraine's healthcare minister Maksym Stepanov, the peak of the third wave of the pandemic in Ukraine is foreseen for the end of April, at which time a new lockdown may be introduced.
- Ukrzaliznystya, Ukraine's railway state enterprise, is going to carry out five charter trips from Chernivtsi and Ivano-Frankivsk oblasts after these latter are closed down as red zones. This is reportedly meant to enable passengers, for whom it is critical to travel to other destinations on these days, to do so.
4 March, 21:53 - Key updates of the past few days:
- Starting with March 1 Ukrainians can apply for free vaccination in an online queue accessible through the "Diya" ("Action") app or via a hotline. In the first day of this instrument's operation as many as 45 000 people have registered their applications, whereas the aggregate number of applicants currently exceeds 100 000.
- Maksym Stepanov, Ukraine's healthcare minister, recently stated that Ukraine was planning to do as many as 4-5 million jabs every month. According to him, this would be possible already in summer provided that vaccine deliveries are not jeopardized.
- According to Denys Shmyhal, Ukraine's Prime Minister, the country is on the threshold of the third wave of the pandemic. The official did not rule out the possibility of a new lockdown's introduction.
- Ukraine's Prime Minister Denys Shmyhal expressed his hope that commercial vaccination will be available for Ukrainians starting this summer.
- As of March 4, three regions of the country, namely Ivano-Frankivsk, Chernivtsi and Zhytomyr oblasts, are in the red zone. At the same time, Ukraine's chief sanitary doctor Viktor Lyashko says that six more regions, including Vinnytsia, Donetsk, Zakarpattya, Zaporizhzhia, Luhansk and Ternopil oblasts, may soon be added to the list.
28 February, 9:25 - Key updates of the past few days:
- Cherkasy oblast takes the lead among other Ukrainian oblasts in terms of the number of people who were vaccinated – 270. In general, 3051 people in Ukraine has been vaccinated since the start of the campaign.
- Ukraine is developing a special algorithm that will allow vaccinating the residents of the temporary occupied territories of Donetsk and Luhansk oblasts and illegally annexed Crimea. The algorithm is expected to be based upon Diya (Action) application or other online services.
- As of 28 February, Ukraine ranks 6th among other European countries and 10th among other countries in the world in terms of new COVID-19 cases.
24 February, 18:10 - Key updates of the past few days:
- As of 24 February, Ukraine returns to the so-called “adaptive quarantine,” which presupposes that all oblasts in the country are divided into four zones – red, orange, yellow and green – depending on the epidemiological situation in respective regions.
- The first portion of AstraZeneca vaccines (500 thousand doses) came to Ukraine on 23 February. This will allow vaccinating 250 thousand persons.
- The government does not rule out that commercial sale of vaccines against COVID-19 may become real close to the summer, which will enable Ukrainians’ travels abroad. In general, 16 million Ukrainians are planned to be vaccinated by the end of 2021.
- Yevhen Horbenko, a doctor working at Cherkasy oblast hospital’s COVID-19 department, became the first vaccinated person in Ukraine. Cherkasy oblast has become the first in Ukraine to receive vaccines against coronavirus in total amount of 16,200 doses.
19 February, 13:50 - Key updates of the past few days:
- Ukraine's Prime Minister Denys Shmyhal says vaccination will start "in the nearest future". Speaking in the Ukrainian parliament today and commenting on delays of the start of vaccination, he said "many other countries, including EU member states, are facing delays in vaccine supplies. He reassured, however, that Ukraine expects the first vaccines to be supplied in February or early March: "Vaccines will be supplied through COVAX, i.e. 8 million doses will be supplied free of charge or with a discount. Pfizer will be supplied in late February or early March," he said.
17 February, 15:00 - Key updates of the past few
28 May, 12:35 - A spike was also reported in the number of doctors tested positive for coronavirus. 104 new cases among doctors were registered yesterday, compared to 58 on the previous day. In total, 4,345 doctors are infected with COVID-19, i.e. 19.4% of the total number of virus cases in Ukraine.
28 May, 10:00 - Ukraine reports a spike in COVID-19 cases after partial lifting of the lockdown: 477 new cases were registered yesterday (22,382 in total). But the number of the recovered is also big (444 yesterday, 8,439 in total). 669 people died of the disease in total (+11 yesterday).
27 May, 15:40 - In Kyiv, trade and commercial centres (TCCs) will open on May 30th, Kyiv mayor Vitaliy Klychnko said during today's press conference. Entertainment zones in TCCs will stay closed, however. Hotels can also open on May 30th; hostels will stay closed, he said.
27 May, 15:04 - Uliana Suprun, Ukraine's former acting health minister and the architector of Ukrainian medical reform, wrote a column published on explaining if tuberculosis vaccine (BCG) can diminish chances to have COVID-19 infection. She denied this hypothesis saying that the vaccine prevents tuberculosis for children but has little influence on adults. Earlier a hypothesis was voiced by several doctors in Ukraine that high BCG vaccination rate in Ukraine can be a reason why Ukrainian citizens were relatively resilient to COVID-19.
27 May, 10:00 - Ukraine has reported 21 905 cases of the coronavirus over the past day (+321 new cases on May 26). 7 995 recovered (+420 on May 26), 658 died from COVID-19 (+14 on May 26).
26 May, 19:05 - Ukrainian Premier League is allowed to resume football matches from May 30. The date was approved by the Minister of Health Maksym Stepanov.
26 May, 18:00 - President Zelensky asked the Cabinet of Ministers to provide insurance for all doctors who are fighting the coronavirus pandemic in Ukraine.
26 May, 13:00 - Another stage of lifting the lockdown is planned for 1 June. This will include reopening of rail and bus travel between cities, schools, gyms and swimming pools (with safety measures in place).
26 May, 09:50 - Ukraine has reported 21 584 cases of the coronavirus over the past day (+339 new cases on 25 May). 7 575 recovered (+341 on 25 May), 644 died from COVID-19 (+21 on 25 May).
25 May, 10:20 - Ukraine confirmed 21 245 cases of coronavirus (+259 on May 24). 623 people died from COVID-19 (+6 on May 24), 7234 patients recovered (+126 on May 24).
24 May, 09:30 - Ukraine confirmed 20 986 cases of coronavirus (+406 on May 23). 617 people died from COVID-19 (+12 on May 22), 7099 patients recovered (+170 on May 23).
23 May, 11:10 - Overland public transport in Kyiv will operate in regular mode in less than an hour, since noon of May 23.
23 May, 10:00 - Ukraine confirmed 20,580 cases of coronavirus (+432 on May 22). 605 people died from COVID-19 (+17 on May 22), 6929 patients recovered (+344 on May 22).
22 May, 19:25 - Lviv Oblast decided to delay the quarantine mitigation until 29 May due to the deteriorating epidemiological situation in the region.
22 May, 15:25 - The second stage of quarantine mitigation has begun today. Below are several stages of lifting the restrictions if the epidemiological situation allows.

22 May, 12:20 - 11 oblasts and the city of Kyiv are not ready for the second stage of quarantine restrictions removal that had been planned for today. Volyn, Dnipro, Donetsk, Luhansk, Kyiv, Mykolayiv, Poltava, Rivne, Khmelnytsky, Chernivtsi and Zakarpattya regions still report a large number of patients with COVID-19, high occupancy of hospital beds and low number of tests for coronavirus performed.
22 May, 09:40 - Ukraine confirmed 20,148 cases of coronavirus (+442 on May 21). 588 people died from COVID-19 (+9 on May 21), 6,585 patients recovered (+358 on May 21).
21 May, 16:30 - European ambassadors, including Matti Maasikas, Head of the EU Delegation to Ukraine, delivered protective healthcare goods – protective gloves, masks, glasses, respirators, disinfectants – to healthcare workers in 936 amalgamated hromadas in need to help them cope with COVID-19 outbreak. “Healthy hromadas are the foundation of strong Ukraine. I am proud that the EU and its member states through U-LEAD can support Ukraine’s rural communities and small cities in beating COVID-19,” Maasikas stressed.
21 May, 9:45 - Ukraine confirmed 19,706 cases of coronavirus (+476 on May 20). 579 people died from COVID-19 (+15 on May 20), 6227 patients recovered (+272 on May 20).
20 May, 16:50 - Vladyslav Kryklii, Ukraine's infrastructure minister, announced the full schedule of reopening transport in Ukraine:
- May 22 — public transportation; suburban, regional transport;
- May 25 — subways;
- June 1 — railroad connections;
- June 15 — air travel.
20 May, 16:35 - Ukraine's President Volodymyr Zelensky stressed during a press conference on his first year in office that Ukraine can pass through all stages of quarantine-exit in a month. He noted, however, that this would be possible if there is no second wave of the COVID-19 pandemic
20 May, 16:30 - the Cabinet of Ministers adopted an "adaptive quarantine" for May 22-June 22 meaning that the restrictive measures will vary from region to region based on the epidemiologic situation. Additionally, the government announced another lifting of some quarantine measures.
Since 22 May:
- public, suburban and regional transport will be reopened;
- hotels will resume work (without restaurants and pools);
- sports competitions with less than 50 participants can be held without audience;
- religious services will be allowed, but there should be no more than 1 visitor per 10 sq. m. of the church.
Since 25 May:
- subways will be reopened;
- kindergartens will be reopened.
20 May, 12:07 - Oleh Meidych, an MP from Batkivshchyna parliamentary group, tested positive for coronavirus. Due to this, the whole group went into self-isolation.
20 May, 10:30 - Ukraine confirmed 19,230 cases of coronavirus (+354 on May 19). 564 people died from COVID-19 (+16 on May 19), 5955 patients recovered (+323 on May 19).
19 May, 16:30 - From 22 May, Ukraine will begin to gradually mitigate quarantine restrictions every 10 days. New stages of the so-called adaptive quarantine will be implemented based on the number of new coronavirus cases in 7 days, the number of occupied beds in hospitals, and the number of tests performed. Tomorrow the Cabinet of Ministers will consider the reopening of public transport, hotels (excluding restaurants) and other measures.
19 May, 09:15 - Ukraine confirmed 18 876 cases of coronavirus (+260 on May 18). 548 people died from COVID-19 (+13 on May 18), 5632 patients recovered (+356 on May 18).
18 May, 14:05 - Ukrainian Health Ministry will advocate for allowing to visit beaches amid COVID-19 outbreak. Based upon the researches made by Ukrainian scientists, ministry says it believes seawater and solar irradiation are able to destroy COVID-19 disease agent. “That’s why it will be allowed to open beach season in Ukraine,” Viktor Liashko, chief state sanitary doctor, said.
18 May, 10:15 - Ukraine confirmed 18,616 cases of coronavirus (+325 on May 17). 535 people died from COVID-19 (+21 on May 17), 5276 patients recovered (+160 on May 17).
17 May, 9:56 - Ukraine confirmed 18,291 cases of coronavirus (+433 on May 16). 514 people died from COVID-19 (+17 on May 16), 5116 patients recovered (+210 on May 16).
16 May, 14:51 - According to the scientists of the National Technical University of Ukraine “Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute,” the daily number of registered COVID-19 cases in Ukraine might be decreasing by the end of May.
16 May, 09:50 - Ukraine confirmed 17,858 cases of coronavirus (+528 on May 15). 497 people died from COVID-19 (+21 on May 15), 4906 patients recovered (+433 on May 15). The country has done 220,638 tests in total.
15 May, 16:25 - A new outbreak of COVID-19 happened in Darnytsia boarding-school in Kyiv. 81 people (53 students and 28 employees) were tested positive for coronavirus.
15 May, 15:45 - Ukraine might start mass testing for antibodies to coronavirus as early as next week. The Ministry of Health plans to implement ELISA testing algorithm which would help see if any cases of coronavirus were missed.
15 May, 11:30 - Ukraine confirmed 17,330 cases of coronavirus (+483 on May 14). 476 people died from COVID-19 (+20 on May 14), 4,473 patients recovered (+330 on May 14).In the past day, Ukraine performed 8,996 which is the biggest number since the start of the pandemic in the country.
14 May, 10:00 - Ukraine confirmed 16,847 cases of coronavirus (+422 on May 13). 456 people died from COVID-19 (+17 on May 13), 4,143 patients recovered (+427 on May 13).
13 May, 18:54 - the quarantine will not be cancelled on May 22, but some more restrictions will be lifted, President Zelensky said. This concerns sports competitions, hotels and external independent evaluation (examinations for admission to universities in Ukraine), but no details were provided yet.
13 May, 14:32 - Ukraine's parliament will switch back to the regular mode of operations on May 18, the Chairman of the Verkhovna Rada Dmytro Razumkov announced.
13 May, 12:30 - Ukraine's won't lift quarantine entirely until a cure for coronavirus is found, Ukraine's PM Denys Shmygal said. However, the government will be gradually lifting the restrictions taking into consideration the epidemiologic situation.
13 May, 09:56 - Ukraine confirmed 16,425 cases of coronavirus (+402 on May 12). 439 people died from COVID-19 (+14 on May 12), 3,716 patients recovered (+343 on May 12).
12 May, 18:20 - Almost 7,000 businessmen applied for financial assistance from the state to pay their employees in the period of quarantine. As of today, 1,715 positive decisions have been made to ensure payments for 25,777 employees.
12 May, 14:30 - Quarantine will be extended after 22 May, Ukraine's PM Denys Shmyhal warned. The lockdown will be lifted when the number of people recovered exceeds the death rate from COVID-19 per day, he added. This, according to the PM, would mean that Ukraine had passed the peak of the coronavirus outbreak.
12 May, 10:50 - Kyiv is lifting some of the anti-epidemic restrictions. From today, the city council allows to open:
- non-food stores (with a total area of up to 300 square meters);
- beauty salons, hairdressers and other consumer services (with a total area of up to 300 square meters);
- outdoor seatings of cafes and restaurants (with safety measures observed);
- parks and squares: groups of no more than two people or two adults and two children (the number of children is not limited for large families);
- small productions of non-food goods and consumer services enterprises (studios, household services and others);
- law firms and notary offices, auditors;
- drive-in cinema.
These limitations allow 10 square meters of space per person.
12 May, 09:50 - Ukraine confirmed 16,023 cases of coronavirus (+375 on 11 May). 425 people died from COVID-19 (+17 on 11 May), 3,373 patients recovered (+85 on 11 May). The country has done 187,307 tests in total.
11 May, 13:50 - The leadership of the Lviv Oblast has decided to postpone the first stage of the quarantine's lift by four days because of the recent increase in the number of COVID-19 cases.
11 May, 10:55 - Ukraine confirmed 15,648 cases of coronavirus (+416 on 10 May). 408 people died from COVID-19 (+17 on 10 May), 3,288 patients recovered (+228 on 10 May)
10 May, 11:15 - Around 3,000 medical workers were tested positive for coronavirus in Ukraine. 110 new cases were registered in the past day. 21 health workers died from COVID-19.
10 May, 10:30 - Ukraine confirmed 15,232 cases of coronavirus (+522 on 9 May). 391 people died from COVID-19 (+15 on 9 May), 3,060 patients recovered (+151 on 9 May).
9 May, 13:15 - The number of people who recovered from coronavirus, is bigger than the number of new cases in eight Ukrainian Oblasts, reports Ukraine's National Security and Defense Council.
9 May, 10:00 - Ukraine confirmed 14,710 cases of coronavirus (+515 on 8 May). 376 people died from COVID-19 (+15 on 8 May), 2,909 patients recovered (+203 on 8 May).
8 May, 16:05 - 59 Ukrainian laboratories are doing PCR-tests to detect coronavirus disease. The highest number of such tests is being conducted inChernivtsi, Ternopil, Vinnytsia, Kherson and Cherkasy.
8 May, 09:32 - Ukraine confirmed 14,195 cases of coronavirus (+504 on 7 May). 361 people died from COVID-19 (+21 on 7 May), 2,706 patients recovered (+310 on 7 May).
7 May, 11:00 - Public transportation lockdown will be prolonged at least until May 22nd, said Ukraine's infrastructure minister Vladyslav Krykliy in a TV interview. After this date it will be gradually opened, but will function "in a new reality", he said. People will be obliged to wear masks, temperature control and disinfection will be implemented. Metro will most probably be closed even after May 22nd, as it is virtually impossible to control the number of people in a metro vagon, he said.
7 May, 10:45 - The number of coronavirus cases in Ukraine reached 13,691 as of 7 May (+507). 340 people died from the disease (+13), 2,396 recovered (+299).
6 May, 17:55 - In his recent interview Viktor Lyashko, Ukraine's deputy healthcare minister, said that Ukraine had reached the peak of the coronavirus's spread back on 17 April and has been on the plateau of the pandemic ever since.
6 May, 16:30 - Ukraine' foreign minister Dmytro Kuleba said that internatonal airline connections would not be fully resotred during the summer months. He also expressed his hope that such restoration would intensify in September-October.
6 May, 10:20 - Ukraine confirmed 13,184 cases of coronavirus (+487 on 5 May). 327 people died from COVID-19 (+11 on 5 May), 2,097 patients recovered (+222 on 5 May).
5 May, 19:50 - The EU Council approved the allocation of 1.2 billion euro to Ukraine to overcome the economic consequences of the coronavirus pandemic. Ukraine is one of ten neighboring countries, to which in total up to 3 billion euro of assistance will be allocated, Interfax reports.
5 May, 15:17 - Ukraine has spent 374 million 620 thousand hryvnias (more than 13,8 million dollars) from the special Fund on Elimination of Consequences of COVID-19. Most of the money were allocated to purchase personal protective equipment, the Office of the President reported.
5 May, 12:50 - The quarantine "most likely" will be extended after 22 May in Ukraine, PM Denys Shmyhal assumed on Ukrainian Radio. Subsequent steps of easing the restrictions will apply, "if the situation in the country allows", he added.
5 May, 9:30 - 12,697 cases of coronavirus have been confirmed in Ukraine (+366 on 4 May). 316 people died from COVID-19 (+13 on 4 May), 1,875 patients recovered (+256 on 4 May).
4 May, 14:35 - During its today’s extraordinary meeting, the government prolonged quarantine till 22 May. However, despite the prolongation, the country will see some easing already as of 11 May. It is planned, among others, to allow people visiting parks and recreational areas, to open hair studios and beauty salons, to open cafes for takeout services only, as well as non-food stores, car-wash services, etc. – provided quarantine measures are strictly met.
4 May, 10:45 - 12,331 cases of coronavirus disease registered in Ukraine (+418 on 3 May). 303 people died in total (+15 on 3 May), 1,619 recovered (+72 on 3 May).
3 May, 11:50 - 11,913 cases of coronavirus disease registered in Ukraine (+502 on 2 May). 288 people died in total (+9 on 2 May), 1,547 recovered (+49 on 2 May).
2 May, 09:45 - 11411 cases of coronavirus disease registered in Ukraine (+550 on 1 May). 279 people died in total (+7 on 1 May), 1498 recovered (+85 on 1 May).
1 May, 12:00 - 10 861 cases of coronavirus are confirmed in Ukraine (+455 new cases on 30 April), Healthcare Minister Maksym Stepanov informed. 1413 patients recovered (+175 on 30 April), 272 died (+11 on 30 April).