Artist and activist Rustem Skybin fled the Russian occupation of Crimea in March 2014. Despite many obstacles, he opened a studio to revive traditions of Crimean Tatar art in Kyiv. Watch more in our project Stories from Ukraine.
Rustem Skybin is a Crimean Tatar artist and potter. He was one of the first to evacuate his family from Crimea when the Russian occupation began in March 2014. In Kyiv, he opened the El-Cheber art studio to continue the Crimean Tatar craft of polychrome paintings on ceramics and other materials.
Rustem’s original style features traditional Crimean Tatar decorations. His mission to revive the lost culture of his people is found in everything he makes, from plates to fountains and even hookahs. Rustem teaches others, cooperates with fashion designers, and exhibits his art worldwide. “My goal is to return to Crimea”, he says, “and this is possible only through and with Ukraine”.
The material was prepared with the support of the International Renaissance Foundation within the framework of the project Stories from Ukraine. The material reflects the position of the authors and does not necessarily coincide with the position of the International Renaissance Foundation.