
June 9, 2021

Why Conspiratorial Propaganda Works and What We Can Do About It: Report Launch

On June 15, join the event on conspiratorial propaganda, audience vulnerability, resistance to conspiratorial narratives.
May 27, 2021

Strana: a Hiddenly (or Openly) Pro-Russian Media in Ukraine

The news website is popular both in Ukraine and Russia. This is partly due to the spread of narratives similar to those established by Kremlin propaganda.
April 26, 2021

Alternatively Pro-Russian: How NASH Operates

The NASH news network controlled by Murayev has taken the place of the banned TV channels of Medvedchuk. It mostly features the same guests and similar messages.
March 19, 2021

First Dependent: How Pro-Kremlin Media Is Trying to Get Around Sanctions

After sanctions were imposed on TV channels linked to pro-Russian oligarch Victor Medvedchuk, a new channel was set up to take their place.
February 22, 2021

Hacked Pluralism: How Ukrainian TV Channels Were Used to Spread Russian Propaganda Messages

The blocked TV channels linked to Medvedchuk claim to be in opposition to the government. Under this guise, they have been spreading Russian narratives in Ukraine.
February 3, 2021

The Trojan Vaccine: How Russia Uses COVID-19 Vaccine In Its Information War

Since Russia announced the conclusion of developing Sputnik V, it has been trying to impose it over Ukraine relying on pro-Russian politicians, media in Ukraine.
January 26, 2021

“People’s Liberation Army”: How Russia Still Uses VK To Influence Ukrainians

Although the popularity of the Russian social network VK in Ukraine has dropped, it is still being used to promote pro-Russian, anti-Western narratives in Ukraine.
January 18, 2021

How Russian Propaganda Almost Destroyed The Life Of A Ukrainian Soldier: The Markiv Case In Italy

Olga Tokariuk, a co-author of the documentary about Vitaliy Markiv case, analyzes the role of Russian propaganda in distorting facts that almost destroyed his life.
November 3, 2020

Divide and Fool: 2020 Ukraine's Local Elections in Social Media

Social media continues to be one of the main sources of information in Ukraine, and it is actively used by many political forces. Parties and individual politicians...
September 23, 2020

How Anti-Western Actors in Ukraine Are Using Pro-Russian Troll Armies to Push Their Agenda

Anti-Western propaganda is typical for Putinist Russia. But over the past few years, it has also been massively proliferating in Ukraine.